Tiger Woods.. a name synonymous with the game of golf. The greatest to ever play the game has a secret that helped allow him to become the world famous golf icon that he is today. What is that secret? Regular Chiropractic Care.
It isn't just Tiger, either... in fact, a 2009 study PROVED that chiropractic improves your golf swing and, as a result, how far you can hit a golf ball (1)! Is that the only reason chiropractic care is such an integral part of Tiger's performance? There are actually a variety of reasons, but we'll cover 3 important ones today.
1) Setup Efficiency.
Having and maintaining good posture is paramount when it comes to the game of golf. It is impossible to properly address the ball when your body won't allow you to stand evenly, balanced, and upright. If your spine is curved to one side or if your head is falling forward further than it should be, it is impossible for you to be set up to the ball effectively.
Having a sideways lean in your spine can throw your balance off between your left or right sides, meaning too much weight in one foot, altering your ability to generate power once you begin to swing. Having your head too far forward relative to your torso can mean that gravity essentially adds TWO TO THREE BOWLING BALLS of weight to your head! Do you really think that you can get proper timing and rotation when your muscles are working that hard just to keep your head upright?
Regular chiropractic care addresses these issues rapidly by restoring better motion to the spine and allowing you to stand more upright immediately, but it is also known to improve even long-standing postural problems consistently over time. So, not only will your setup get better right away, but it will keep getting better and better as you continue to get care!
2) Swing Power.
In order to generate maximum power - and therefore maximum distance - every golfer knows that they need full range of motion in their golf swing. Regular chiropractic care is specifically focused on maximizing full, healthy, normal range of motion in the spine... the part of your body that determines how much your torso can rotate in order to improve your backswing and to swing through the ball with more power and speed.
Not only does chiropractic care improve your range of motion, but it also actually increases the muscle strength! In a study done in 2018 showed that even with elite athletes, chiropractic care increased their muscle strength significantly! (2) If you were stronger, how could you NOT hit the ball further?!
3) Swing Efficiency.
Every golfer knows that the golf swing is an intricate series of movements that ALL must be coordinated nearly perfectly to achieve a good swing and a good result. It's impossible to hit greens and fairways with regularity if you're not swinging with proper coordination! Never mind putting... Have you ever had a day where you felt like you just couldn't get your swing or putting stroke to be smooth? Well guess what... chiropractic can help!
When you swing a golf club, what part of your body is telling the muscular system which muscles to contract, how hard to contract them, and in what order to contract them? The brain of course! And how does it send those signals? Through the nerves that go directly to your muscles! The brain REQUIRES a clear pathway in those nerves in order for the signals to get through properly. If there are any blockages (even small ones), your efficiency goes out the window. Your swing gets choppy, your putting stroke is completely off, you get jittery on your chips and your score starts to skyrocket...
Wouldn't it be nice to be SURE that your muscles were working smoothly and in sync while you played so that you could hit the center of the club-face more often? Well, with chiropractic care, you can. Regular chiropractic care improves muscle coordination and function, allowing you to swing smoothly and make better contact with the ball than you ever have. Set up an appointment with Dr. Tyler today!
Can Regular Chiropractic Care Help Your Golf Game. YES!
Do you think you can golf well if your muscles aren't performing well? Or if your posture is off? How about if you can't properly rotate your torso or can't maintain your hand-eye coordination? Visit Dr. Tyler’s office today. To save time, fill-out new practice member paperwork here.
Get a performance system tune up regularly and see what happens to your game... you won't regret it.
1. Costa, S. Shibaba, Y. Giavarotti, L. Compagnoni, D. Effect of spinal manipulation with stretching compared with stretching alone on full-swing performance of golf players. Journal of Chiropractic Med. Dec 2009, P. 165-170
2. Christiansen, T.L., Niazi, I.K., Holt, K. et al. Eur J Appl Physiol (2018) 118: 737. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00421-018-3799-x